Themes |
The 2009 Asia Pacific Conference on Information Management will provide
an international forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange innovative
ideas on various topics of information management and the related areas.
This conference will be held in Peking University, Beijing, China, jointly
by the Japan Society for Information and Management (as the Fifth International
Conference), Japan Society for Management Information, and two Chinese
academic societies.
Topics of Interest
The main theme of the conference will be ICT-enabled Manufacturing and
Sustainable Society. That intends to re-examine the impact of ICT on manufacturing
sector and our society and to search out a promising direction to expand
the perspective of information management. While up until now ICT has been
promoting various innovations and business process reconfiguration in manufacturing
as well as service sectors, ICT has various potentials to contribute to
protecting our natural environment and making our economy and society more
sustainable. Utilization of ICT is required to improve both business efficiency
and sustainability, which are sometimes conflicting each other. Another
aim of this conference is to overcome the nominal understanding of technologies,
and to seek out a way to create a new knowledge system based on deep understanding
of fundamental business principles. We would like to have high quality
original papers in the areas of interest that include, but are not limited
・Case Studies on Data and Information Management, Monitoring and Analysis
・Data and Information Quality Management
・Data Exchange Issues and Agile Supply Chain
・Data Life Cycle in Products and Processes
・Data Models for Production Systems and Services
・Database Management
・Digital Libraries/Multimedia Information Systems
・Distributed Information Systems
・e-Learning, eCommerce, e-Business and e-Government
・Enterprise Architecture and Enterprise Systems
・Environmental Management
・Green IT
・Human-Computer Interactions
・Information Content Security and Access Control
・Information Management
・Information Retrieval and Data Mining
・Knowledge Management
・Management of Technology
・Manufacturing Systems/Computer-Integerated Mnanufacturing
・Mobile Data Management
・Peer to Peer Data Management
・Organizational Aspects of Information Management
・Quality of Service Issues
・Sustainable Supply Chain and Environmental Issues
・Ubiquitous Systems and RFID Applications
・Web Databases and Web Services
・Web Metrics and Their Applications
・Web Mining, Web Intelligence and Web 3.0